Denoising Astronomical Observations of Protoplanetary Disks


Recent advancements in observational astronomy have given the field the ability to resolve protoplanetary disks, the sites of planet formation, in unprecendeted detail. Array telescopes, such as ALMA and VLT, produce data that have revolutionized the study of these environments, spurring a rapid increase in the number of observations, significant advancements in theoretical understandings of planet formation processes, and the need for more efficient and accurate data processing. Traditional data processing algorithms, while advanced and powerful, are often time-consuming, computationally expensive, and can still produce noisy results. State-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, such as diffusion networks, are well-suited to this task and are a prime candidate for implementation in the field of protoplanetary disk astronomy. The purpose of this project is to develop machine learning algorithms to create a pipeline that denoises observational data more quickly and to a greater extent than current methods.


Total project length: 175/350 hours.

Task Ideas

Expected Results



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